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This Tableau dashboard serves as a comprehensive visualization of global COVID-19 data, providing insightful perspectives into the impact of the pandemic. Based on data retrieved in my previous SQL project (https://mortimer.itch.io/covid-19-sql-data-analysis-project), this dashboard showcases my proficiency in SQL, Tableau, and data analysis.

Skills Demonstrated:

- SQL Proficiency: The dashboard relies on data extracted via SQL queries, demonstrating my ability to retrieve, clean, and manipulate data using SQL.

- Tableau Skills: The visualizations are designed and implemented in Tableau, showcasing my proficiency in creating interactive and insightful dashboards.

- Data Analysis Skills: The project goes beyond mere visualization, offering a deeper understanding of the global COVID-19 landscape through analytical interpretations.


1. Global Summary Table

- Total Cases and Deaths: A concise table displaying the total number of COVID-19 cases and deaths worldwide.

- Fatality Rate: The percentage of cases that resulted in fatalities, offering a quick overview of the severity of the virus.

2. Bar Chart of COVID-19 Deaths by Continent

- A visually appealing bar chart presenting the distribution of COVID-19 deaths across different continents.

- Provides a comparative analysis of the impact of the pandemic on a global scale.

3. Population Heat Map

- Geographical Visualization: A world map where each country is color-coded to represent the percentage of its population affected by COVID-19.

4. Cumulative Cases Over Time

- Temporal Analysis: A dynamic line graph illustrating the cumulative COVID-19 cases over time for various continents from 2020 to 2024.

Available on Tableau Public:



COVID 19 Tableau Dashboard.pdf 660 kB